Fenix Alkemi is a Web-Zine and creative website that shares art, design, content posts, and ideas on esoteric concepts. I am inspired by the esoteric and the spiritual journey. Yes, I am a student of the Occult. Here you will see eclectic expressions as well as choice endorsements of various spiritual disciplines.
Of course I may also share my thoughts through art or written word on current events, maybe pop culture if i find it relevant to me, and everyday life. My personal philosophy reflects on how I may see the world. No preaching or claiming to know anything more than the next being. This website is just my digital journal and foot-print of creative expression.
Please note that I’d like to add here that this is not a blog/website that supports or out-right endorses any one tradition, system or group above any other. In fact while you may find a lot of images, posts and illustrations, I am in no way trying to claim any complete knowledge of anything. No lineage, rights, or associations to anything, anyone or any organization. So please save any outcries and outrages for another site. This is not a religious website and I will not be annoyed by bullies, bashing triggers or gaslighting for and about any of my works. If you don’t like the visuals move along. if you disagree with a story or post. I’ll save you the trouble and agree to disagree.
My goal is to create something I always wanted to do one way or another. This site is more of a Web-Zine. Fenix Alkemi is inspired by magic(k), spiritual paths, alchemy, ancient history and human evolution. Always expressing through creativity, and being inspired by the potential possibilities that the scientific, metaphysical and esoteric worlds can offer us.
One of my favorite motto’s is “NOTHING IS TRUE, ALL IS PERMITTED”. This always meant to me to look beyond the obvious and don’t be afraid to ask, why? With this i have learned that it’s true, all things with a grain of salt. Thus my work expresses my own point of view. Through my art, I look to contribute to the collective consciousness and the Great Work of achieving one’s own True Will and realization of the Summum bonum.